Featured Companies
- Roy Miller Auto Salvage Incin Auto Glass & Junk Car Removal, Se
- Weisman Discount Home Centerin Brooklyn, NY
- Baden Car Partsin St Louis, MO
- Diver-Steel City Auto Crusherin Youngstown, OH
- Defensive Driving Houstonin Carlsbad, Ca
- M & M Auto Salvagein Emporia, KS
- Canal Auto Salvage & Salesin Lockport, IL
- SSIin Sun Valley, CA
- TowBoatUS Tampa Bayin Largo, FL
- A Any & All Autoin Henderson, NV
- Superior Diving CO Incin Houston, TX
- Miami Auto Salvagein Piqua, OH
- Rocky's Auto Wreckingin Trenton, NJ
- Apex Salesin Bronx, NY
- Fatzinger Auto Salvagein Bangor, PA
From Our Blog:
What Is a Salvage Yard?Have you heard of the term salvage yard, but didn’t exactly know what it meant? You probably aren’t alone, because it is a new term coined only during the last decade or so by the majority of people. What a salvage yard is, is a place where old vehicles, SUVs, RVs, motorcycles and old trucks are laid to rest. Sound familiar? It is, because it used to be called a junkyard. Instead of calling it... Continue Reading
Garrett's Body Shop & Auto

By Tim Freeman davis from Watauga, Tn
Posted Jul 22, 2015
Hey Randy how's. Business. Like come down thinking about the 3rd. Hope to see you the 3rd see ya bro