Salvage Yards

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From Our Blog:

Saving Money By Using A Salvage Yard
The salvage yard may have an unnecessarily bad and unfair reputation. Often, consumers consider salvage yards to be the equivalent of garbage dumps for automobiles. While it is true that some of the vehicles in a salvage yard are destined for nothing but the trash heap, there is a wide variety of parts and automobiles that can be used for a purpose other than filling up a dump. When you visit a... Continue Reading

Orion Towing Salvage & Marine

3948 S Peninsula Drive
Port Orange, FL
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(386) 767-7711
(386) 760-2695

Our products and services include 24 hour dispatch, all towing services are subject to the limits and conditions of the boatu.s. on- the- water towing service agreements. for details, visit us on- line at, battery jumps, boat transport, boat u.s. membership unlimited towing, boatu.s. rapid response service, choose from one of four service levels - including unlimited towing, dewatering, free towing up to your coverage level, fuel deliveries, fuel delivery, fuel drops, hazardous waste management, jump starts, oil spill containment- boat or marina coverage, on vhf 16 or 7, on- the- water towing, jump starts, fuel drops, soft ungroundings, salvage, one membership for all your boats...owned, borrowed or chartered, retriever marine towing & salvage, sailboat transport, service for any boatyou own borrow or charter, sunken boat recovery, toll free nationwide 24- hour, 7 day dispatch, tow boatus, towboat u.s. approved 24 hour dispatch, towboatu.s. approved 24 hour dispatch, wrecking and yacht transport.We are open 24 Hours Service.Certifications/affiliations: uscg licensed captains.Boatu.s., towboatu.s., access to repairs, dockside transportation, service for any boat you own, borrow or charter, channel 16 vhf or by phone 24 hours a day.

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