Featured Companies
- TBH Enterprises Incin Coachella, CA
- Redmond Recovery Incin Memphis, TN
- Sunrise Foreign Auto Partsin Jonesboro, AR
- Texas 56in Houston, TX
- Kruse Auto Salvage Incin Litchfield, IL
- Steve's Auto Clinic Salvagein Tabor, SD
- Dieterle Repair & Salvagein Lamar, CO
- Monster Auto Scrapin Clio, MI
- High Country Auto Salvagein Summersville, WV
- America Auto Repairin San Diego, CA
- Gillin's Auto & Truck Salvagein Mineral Point, PA
- US Kids Fundin South Amboy, NJ
- Army's Towingin Lima, OH
- Wallingford Used Parts Recylcin Wallingford, CT
- JunkCarsHQin New York, NY
US Salvage Yards / Salvage Lots
Salvage yards can be a great place to pick up a hard to find part at a low price. While most people commonly think about the old unsophisticated junkyard, most modern salvage yards have a fully-computerized catalog of their entire parts inventory, making it easy to call and find out if they have your part. The yards that permit you to pick and pull your own parts are usually where you will find the best bargains. Often, the owners are just happy someone wanted that specific part and will be willing to haggle a bit on the price.
Be prepared when you visit the salvage yards looking for parts. Of course, you should always have a list of the parts you need, including exact part numbers. Do not assume that you will remember all the details when you get to the yard. It is easy to forget if you need a 1/2 inch or a 3/8 inch thread when you are browsing through all the parts at the salvage yard. If you are going to a pick and pull yard, bring your own tools. Very few yards are willing to loan out their own tools to customers for part pulling, so plan accordingly.
Be prepared when you visit the salvage yards looking for parts. Of course, you should always have a list of the parts you need, including exact part numbers. Do not assume that you will remember all the details when you get to the yard. It is easy to forget if you need a 1/2 inch or a 3/8 inch thread when you are browsing through all the parts at the salvage yard. If you are going to a pick and pull yard, bring your own tools. Very few yards are willing to loan out their own tools to customers for part pulling, so plan accordingly.
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