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- Hulett & Son Auto Salvagein Creston, IA
- $ Highest Prices Paid $in Alexandria, VA
- Air Capitol Salvagein Wichita, KS
- Colyer's Towing & Recoveryin Abilene, TX
- Rocky's Auto Wreckingin Trenton, NJ
- Pearson's Auto Wreckingin Ridgecrest, CA
- Amburn Auto Salvage & Used CRSin Madisonville, TN
- Jim's Garage & Auto Salvagein Dover, IL
- 22 Auto Salvagein Huntingdon, TN
- Kirby Inland Marinein Baton Rouge, LA
- West Wood Auto Salvagein Paris, IL
- B & M Auto Sales & Partsin Waukesha, WI
- M & R Auto Wrecking & Salesin Wilmington, CA
- Callan's Salvage & Appraisalin Lake Orion, MI
- Acme Auto Wreckersin Oxnard, CA
From Our Blog:
What Is a Salvage Yard?Have you heard of the term salvage yard, but didn’t exactly know what it meant? You probably aren’t alone, because it is a new term coined only during the last decade or so by the majority of people. What a salvage yard is, is a place where old vehicles, SUVs, RVs, motorcycles and old trucks are laid to rest. Sound familiar? It is, because it used to be called a junkyard. Instead of calling it... Continue Reading