Featured Companies
- Sadisco of Florida Sanfordin Sanford, FL
- Fisher Auto Wreckingin Saint Marys, OH
- Rogers Auto Salvage Incin Lebanon, MO
- J & J Auto Salvagein Woodstock, AL
- J & J Auto Wrecking Incin Marshallville, OH
- D & J Auto Salvagein Ash Flat, AR
- Gibson Iron Metal & Auto Incin Neenah, WI
- Westside Auto Wreckersin Dayton, OH
- Temecula Auto Wreckingin Temecula, CA
- Vessel Repairin Houston, TX
- Warren Auto Wreckersin Warren, NJ
- Burdette Auto Salvage & Wreckin Waterloo, SC
- Spirit Marinein Summerland Key, FL
- Coggins Auto Salvagein Monroe, GA
- Henderson's Auto Partsin Alger, OH
From Our Blog:
What Do Salvage Yards Do?Salvage yards are typically considered junk heaps where worthless vehicles sit and rot for decades. While it is true that some of the vehicles in a salvage yard are pretty worthless and cannot be used for much more than scrap metal or homes for rodents, there are many vehicles in salvage yards that are incredibly valuable and can be used for a variety of different purposes. If you judge an... Continue Reading
Eastern Nebraska Auto Rcyclrs
351 Highway 34
Elmwood, NE
(402) 994-4555
Our products and services include antiques - classics - project cars, passenger cars, quality used cars & trucks, salvage services, used cars & pickups, used parts & accessories, used parts & also used cars & pick ups and vans.We are open Mon-Fri Weekdays.Why buy new, when used will do, used parts & also.

By Darrell Pavey from Lincoln, Nebraska, NE
Posted Oct 2, 2018
Current customer that has had GREAT LUCK in retrieving/rescuing what have I needed. I now need a radiator for a Plymouth/Dodge Fullsize Van. Upgrade to the 3 Row would be nice. But I have a really nice vehicle, I would prefer OE nor after market Sectrum. I have 5.9l; 36ocid; 2bbl; auto.
You may reach me at d.paveysjobmail@gmail.com