Featured Companies
- Gallant's Truck Salvagein Oceanside, CA
- Spilman Auto Partsin Bloomfield, IA
- AR TOWINGin Portland, Or
- Tag's Body Shop & Salvagein Cleveland, MS
- J & S Auto Salvagein Harrogate, TN
- Anderson Auto Salvagein Waupaca, WI
- S & S Salvagein Ridgedale, MO
- L & M Salvage of Richland County Inc - Terry's Exhaust Countyin Richland Center, WI
- Claremore Wrecker Servicein Claremore, OK
- MAGNUM Recycling LLCin Findlay, OH
- Specialty Salvagein Owosso, MI
- Nisqually Auto Wrecking & TWNGin Olympia, WA
- A To Z Auto Dismantling & SLSin Madison, WI
- Bates Auto Salvage & Reairin Frontenac, KS
- Bills Equipment & Salvagein Benton, CA
From Our Blog:
What Do Salvage Yards Do?Salvage yards are typically considered junk heaps where worthless vehicles sit and rot for decades. While it is true that some of the vehicles in a salvage yard are pretty worthless and cannot be used for much more than scrap metal or homes for rodents, there are many vehicles in salvage yards that are incredibly valuable and can be used for a variety of different purposes. If you judge an... Continue Reading
M & M Auto Wrecking & Towing
280 S Pacific Highway
Woodburn, OR
(503) 981-4743
(503) 981-9515
(888) 982-2751
Our products and services include 24 hour towing, after market parts available, auto parts, auto wrecking metal recycling, cars - trucks - machinery - metal, direct billing, fast & friendly service, foreign, domestic & after market, hablamos espanol, large inventory of foreign & domestic parts, metal recyclers, nationwide parts locator, quality used parts for domestic & foreign, se habla espanol, u-haul or we haul, we buy salvage!, we buy scrap, we buy scrap metals and we buy scrap metals!.We are open 24 Hours Service.We accept accepting all major credit cards, direct billing, direct billing for most insurance and local checks for payment.Salem to portland, competitive rates, for most insurance, consignments taken daily - secured lot.

By julie s from woodburn, OR
Posted Sep 14, 2011
I was in an accident on Hwy 551, M&M towing towed my car and helped me with all the dirty details after I got out of the hospital, which was almost one month after the crash. They didnt charge me storage and saved all my belongings for me. I had been towed in the past by a different tow company and was treated very poorly. M&M Towing was kind and considerate to me. I thank them! My car was so smashed, I hit 2 cars head on, the first hit the drivers side where the head light was and the second car hit me on the passenger side door, dead on. I am lucky to be alive. They found my camera memory card under the hood after the used thier forklift to open it up. I would recomend calling these guys if you need help. If you dont have enough money, just say so, they were more than reasonably fare to someone who they did so much work for and I only had liability ins! Julie