Featured Companies
- A-1 Marine Service Incin Friday Harbor, WA
- Brusco Tug & Bargein Stockton, CA
- Midnight Auto Recyclingin San Bernardino, CA
- Williams Auto Salvagein Albany, GA
- Garmater's Auto Salvage Incin Harlan, IN
- Crushed N2 Incin Sedley, VA
- St Jude & New Madrid Service Incin Portageville, MO
- Copartin Northfield, OH
- Nick's Auto Wreckingin Wilmington, CA
- Jtts Auto Salvage Salesin Barnesville, MN
- Canton Automotive Servicein Canton, MS
- Genczo Auto Salvagein New Douglas, IL
- Sound Marine Worksin Shelton, CT
- Brothers Auto Salvage & Repairin North Vernon, IN
- Hizer Auto Salvagein Black River Falls, WI
From Our Blog:
Saving Money By Using A Salvage YardThe salvage yard may have an unnecessarily bad and unfair reputation. Often, consumers consider salvage yards to be the equivalent of garbage dumps for automobiles. While it is true that some of the vehicles in a salvage yard are destined for nothing but the trash heap, there is a wide variety of parts and automobiles that can be used for a purpose other than filling up a dump. When you visit a... Continue Reading
Boofer's Auto Wrecking
412 Fairmont Road
Chicora, PA
(724) 445-3886
Our products and services include car crushing and salvage services.