Featured Companies
- Red Lion Salvagein Red Lion, PA
- Global Auto Recycling & Repairin Elgin, IL
- Zimmerman's Auto Wreckingin Kittanning, PA
- Bennett Auto Salvagein Denver, CO
- P V Dismantlingin Duarte, CA
- Hunter Corner Auto Salvagein Muskogee, OK
- Bi Lo Auto Salvagein Dallas, TX
- Big T'S Autoin Indianapolis, IN
- Elite Car Salvagein Columbus, GA
- Midway Auto Parts Incin Kansas City, MO
- A-1 Auto Wreckingin Sun Valley, CA
- Richey's Auto Salvagein Warrensburg, MO
- Kars4kids Car Donationin Louisville, KY
- J & R Auto Salvagein Fort Smith, AR
- Vessel Assist Boat USin Tacoma, WA
From Our Blog:
How To Use A Salvage YardAre you a person that loves to find a bargain, especially when it comes to finding something in salvage yards? No matter what your bargain might be on, are you happy that you saved a few bucks on the purchase of it? There are all types of people who like to save money, from the ones who save on groceries in the store with coupons to those who buy used clothes at garage sales and to those who like... Continue Reading
A Plus
We Got it. We are a salvage yard. Also we have a automobile Shop were we specialize in Transmissions. We are right outside Oceana's Gate.
1243 Oceana Blvd
Virginia Beach, VA
(757) 437-7777
Our products and services include & rims, air bags, air conditioning & heating parts, alternators & starters, auto glass, auto glass installation & repair, automatic transmissions, axles, belts, body parts, brakes & brake parts, bumpers, carburetors, cash for junk cars, chassis parts, clutches, coolers, cooling system parts, cv joints, cylinder heads, differentials, electrical system parts, electrical transmissions, engine service & repair, engines & engine parts, exhaust system parts, fenders, filters, fittings, free wreck removal, fuel system parts, gaskets, grills, heaters, high performance parts, hoods, hoses, hubcaps, import parts, locks, manual transmissions, mirrors, parts repair & rebuilding, quarter panels, radiators, radios, rebuilt parts, rebuilt transmissions, rotors, salvage services, seats, steering & alignment parts, stereos, tires, transaxles, voltage regulators, water pumps and wheels.Brands: all makes.In business since 1981.