Featured Companies
- AA Eagle-Select Auto Partsin Green Bay, WI
- Fatzinger Auto Salvagein Bangor, PA
- Somerset Auto Salvage & Repairin Somerset, WI
- Beverly Automotivein Las Vegas, NV
- Arroyo Auto Dismantlingin Sun Valley, CA
- MD Auto Service & Salvagein Beaverton, MI
- Marietta Auto Salvagein Marietta, GA
- Lower Keys Marine Towingin Big Pine Key, FL
- Auto & Scrap Recyclers Incin Milwaukee, WI
- C & H Auto Salvagein Montgomery, NY
- Calumet Auto Parts Incin Milwaukee, WI
- Car Crushers of Texasin Grand Prairie, TX
- Texas 56in Houston, TX
- Collins Auto Salvagein S Coffeyville, OK
- A Plus Towingin Palmdale, CA
From Our Blog:
How To Use A Salvage YardAre you a person that loves to find a bargain, especially when it comes to finding something in salvage yards? No matter what your bargain might be on, are you happy that you saved a few bucks on the purchase of it? There are all types of people who like to save money, from the ones who save on groceries in the store with coupons to those who buy used clothes at garage sales and to those who like... Continue Reading
Junk Yard Dog Inc
2315 S 7th Street
Rogers, AR
(479) 443-7801
(479) 636-8797
(479) 636-3361
Our products and services include cars & trucks, contracting, domestic, foreign, foreign & domestic, free estimates, installation available, quality used parts, shipping available and used auto parts.Specializing in used auto parts.The used parts store, warranted.In business since 1965.Helping people in english and spanish.Brands: domestic.We accept american express, discover, master card and visa for payment.Certifications/affiliations: shipping through out the state.

By david from huntsville, AR
Posted Apr 30, 2011