Featured Companies
- Stones Autobodyin Waukon, IA
- Burnham Street Garagein Milwaukee, WI
- Missouri Auto Crushers LLCin Columbia, MO
- Browns Valley Auto Salvagein Browns Valley, MN
- ON TIME AUTOin Indianapolis, IN
- Excel Auto & Tire Servicein Rochester, MN
- Christy's Auto Wreckingin New London, MN
- Bee Line Auto Salvagein Wichita, KS
- Hunter Corner Auto Salvagein Muskogee, OK
- L H Automotive Recyclingin Niles, MI
- West Somerset Wreckingin Somerset, KY
- All Type Auto Parts & Repairin East Saint Louis, IL
- G & C Auto & Salvagein Humboldt, IA
- G & H Towingin Galveston, TX
- German Auto Salvagein Phoenix, AZ
From Our Blog:
What Do Salvage Yards Do?Salvage yards are typically considered junk heaps where worthless vehicles sit and rot for decades. While it is true that some of the vehicles in a salvage yard are pretty worthless and cannot be used for much more than scrap metal or homes for rodents, there are many vehicles in salvage yards that are incredibly valuable and can be used for a variety of different purposes. If you judge an... Continue Reading
River Valley Recycling
288 W South Tec Drive
Kankakee, IL
(815) 928-8400
(815) 928-8484
Our products and services include aluminum, automobiles, brass, cast iron - all grades, cast iron all grades, complete scrap management, complete scrap management service available, copper - all grades, copper all grades, drop off services, glass & plastic, old machinery, old machinery also recycle glass & plastic, steel - all grades, steel all grades, two locations to serve you: and we buy junk cars!.We are open Mon-Sat.Buyers of, paper cardboard, also recycle glass & plastic, kankakee's only state of the art indoor facility.

By Mike Stedman from Momence, IL
Posted Jun 16, 2014
While it has been a while since I last used your fire on Grannell Rd. I thought you were out of the business of recycling of consumer product containers and other by-products. I looked you up after our last recycler went out of business.
I am glad to hear that after looking you up that I can now again use your facitily for the pourpose of recycling to help our enviorment.
Thank You,
Mike Stedman