Featured Companies
- AP Truck Salvagein Richmond, CA
- Orval's Wrecker Service Salvagein Carnegie, OK
- Action Used Auto Parts Incin Bronx, NY
- Russ Recyclingin Duarte, CA
- Ritenour & Sons Auto Wreckersin Ellsworth, PA
- Reed's Salvage Corporationin Grafton, OH
- Waukesha Iron & Metal Incin Waukesha, WI
- Vessel Assist Boat USin Tacoma, WA
- Bonner Salvagein Troup, TX
- Mc Kinney Fleet & Barge Servicein Baton Rouge, LA
- Fritz's Auto Salvage & Wreckerin Salmon, ID
- Texas Autocrushersin Houston, TX
- Chrysler Heavenin Haltom City, TX
- Keegan Bros., Incin Kinderhook, NY
- Mercedes and BMW Auto Parts and Dismantlingin pacoima, ca
From Our Blog:
The Pros and Cons of Using Salvage YardsWhen you are told to check out a salvage yard for a situation you are dealing with with your vehicle, you might not get it at first. What are the benefits of going to a junkyard to get a part? If it is in the junkyard, it is obviously junk, right? Not so much. There are a lot of reasons why a junkyard might be the best place to go for getting parts on any type of vehicle. The vehicle could be... Continue Reading
Carroll's Auto Sales & Salvage
5965 Sandusky Road
Lima, OH
(419) 649-1414
Our products and services include car crushing, salvage services, trucks and vans.