Featured Companies
- Pam Pam's Junkin Dayton, OR
- Broken Wheel Auto Partsin Cleveland, OH
- Parts Depotin Taylor, MI
- Bud's Salvagein Aline, OK
- Williams Auto Salvagein Trinity, NC
- Highway 67 Truck Dismantlersin Lakeside, CA
- Brown's Auto Salvagein La Harpe, IL
- E & H Car Crushing CO Incin Orlando, FL
- Conrad's Auto Salvage Incin Mondovi, WI
- 277 Auto Partsin Abilene, TX
- Conrad's Auto Salvage Incin Mondovi, WI
- Slinkard's & RP M'Sin Cassville, MO
- B & R Auto Wrecking COin Albany, OR
- Washington Auto Salvagein Washington, NJ
- Travis Auto Salvage & Wrecker Servicein Salem, KY
From Our Blog:
What Is a Salvage Yard?Have you heard of the term salvage yard, but didn’t exactly know what it meant? You probably aren’t alone, because it is a new term coined only during the last decade or so by the majority of people. What a salvage yard is, is a place where old vehicles, SUVs, RVs, motorcycles and old trucks are laid to rest. Sound familiar? It is, because it used to be called a junkyard. Instead of calling it... Continue Reading
B & B Wrecker & Recovery
2823 Rankin Highway
Midland, TX
(432) 570-0865
(432) 686-0194
Our products and services include 24 hour dealership service, air bag recovery, flat bed & wheel lift, flatbed & wheel lift, insured for your protection, light & heavy towing & recovery, local & long distance towing, lock-outs & jump starts, radio dispatched and transport service available.We are open 24 Hours Service.In business since 1985.Motor clubs accepted.Certifications/affiliations: insured for your protection.

By pete from Goldsmith, TX
Posted Mar 18, 2011
no help in finding a salvage yard in Odessa, Tx. would have liked to find a used car parts (wrecking yard, ect. to find used parts for the rat rod i am building. Pete