Featured Companies
- Christian's Towing Storagein Oak Harbor, WA
- Mac's Auto Salvagein Avon Park, FL
- Miles & Sons Towingin Cuba, MO
- Zachers Automotive Recyclerin Harbor City, CA
- Taylor's Towingin Buena Vista, VA
- Boat US Towing & Salvagein Pensacola, FL
- Winston Auto Wrecking-Used Carin Winston, OR
- MT Hood Towing & Salvagein Mount Hood Parkdale, OR
- A American & Japanese Cascadein Bothell, WA
- JunkCarsHQin New York, NY
- Cotati Dismantling & Towingin Cotati, CA
- M & J Auto Rebuilders & Slvgein Chattanooga, TN
- First Auto Wreckingin San Diego, CA
- Smith Motors Auto Salvagein Chatsworth, GA
- Owens Wrecker Servicein Corbin, KY
From Our Blog:
How To Use A Salvage YardAre you a person that loves to find a bargain, especially when it comes to finding something in salvage yards? No matter what your bargain might be on, are you happy that you saved a few bucks on the purchase of it? There are all types of people who like to save money, from the ones who save on groceries in the store with coupons to those who buy used clothes at garage sales and to those who like... Continue Reading
Serrano's Auto Salvage
3006 N Main Street
Fort Worth, TX
(817) 740-1115
Our products and services include early & late model wrecks, foreign & domestic, foreign domestic, good cars with bad motors, large selection of engines & transmissions, parts for most cars & trucks, recycling, salvage services, scrap materials, unwanted cars & trucks, waste materials, we buy and we pay cash.We are open Mon-Sat and Open Sundays.In business since 1985.Buy cars & trucks-running or not, pull your own parts & save $$$.