Salvage Yards

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From Our Blog:

The Pros and Cons of Using Salvage Yards
When you are told to check out a salvage yard for a situation you are dealing with with your vehicle, you might not get it at first. What are the benefits of going to a junkyard to get a part? If it is in the junkyard, it is obviously junk, right? Not so much. There are a lot of reasons why a junkyard might be the best place to go for getting parts on any type of vehicle. The vehicle could be... Continue Reading

St Francis Auto Wreckers

4043 S Pennsylvania Avenue
Milwaukee, WI
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(414) 481-4540

Our products and services include great service and low prices.Low prices, great service.In business since 1967.


1 out of 5 stars
By amy l from milwaukee, WI
Posted Mar 18, 2014

I don't know about how they conduct business but whoever was driving one of their trucks yesterday through the roundabout on 6th street around 12 pm needs a lesson in traffic safety. He sped through without yielding almost hitting myself and 4 year old daughter as we were heading south on 6th st. I honked and your courteous driver flipped me off the whole way through. I really give these careless people -5 stars but the website forces me to give them at least a star.
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