Featured Companies
- A & H Auto Exchangein Salem, MA
- Pic-A-Part INDY - 317 925-Carsin Indianapolis, IN
- Gaghagen's Diving & Towingin Fort Lauderdale, FL
- SGSin Jacksonville, FL
- Willy's Salvage & Towingin Detroit Lakes, MN
- American Auto & Truck Salvage Incin Fruitland Park, FL
- Auto Depotin Seattle, WA
- Woodbridge Auto Salvagein Woodbridge, VA
- International Divers Inc COin Houston, TX
- Dan's SORG Motor Salesin Jamestown, PA
- Sardis Auto Parts Incin Oak Hill, OH
- Highway 67 Truck Dismantlersin Lakeside, CA
- Drayton Auto Salvagein Georgetown, SC
- Twin Auto Sales & Servicein Frewsburg, NY
- J & R Auto Salvage & Salein Blanchard, OK
From Our Blog:
The Pros and Cons of Using Salvage YardsWhen you are told to check out a salvage yard for a situation you are dealing with with your vehicle, you might not get it at first. What are the benefits of going to a junkyard to get a part? If it is in the junkyard, it is obviously junk, right? Not so much. There are a lot of reasons why a junkyard might be the best place to go for getting parts on any type of vehicle. The vehicle could be... Continue Reading
Apple Auto Dismantling
7677 S Alameda Street
Los Angeles, CA
(323) 588-2296
Our products and services include 3 locations to provide you with better service, domestics & imports, foreign & domestic, hablamos espanol, pioneer auto : dismantling, pioneer auto dismantling, used auto parts, used auto parts for less, used auto parts for less foreign & domestic and we will locate hard to find parts.For less, we will locate hard to find parts, 4 locations to serve you better.